
Hand reaching for magnifying glass and smartphone

Whether you’re a cybersecurity novice or a seasoned Internet user, our collection of resources aims to equip you with the knowledge and support you need to stay safe and secure online.

How to Protect Yourself

How to Protect Yourself
Check a website is an easy-to-use online tool which helps determine whether a website is likely to be legitimate or a sc...
Password security
Check if your password has been compromised and sign up for notifications to stay ahead of potential breaches.
Add an extra layer of security with two-factor or multi-factor authentication to safeguard your accounts.
Add an extra layer of security with two-factor or multi-factor authentication to safeguard your accounts.
Password security
Take this course to help you make strong passwords and use two-factor or multi-factor authentication for extra account s...
Password manager
Keep your passwords secure in a vault with a password manager, simplifying your online security.
Use this virtual private network (VPN) to stay safe while browsing the Internet.
Use this tool to keep your messages and calls private with encryption.
DNS Security
Install this DNS security filter to stop access to harmful sites if you click a phishing link by accident.

How to Report Scams

How to Protect Yourself
Report suspected scams and contribute to a database that helps others avoid falling victim to fraud.
How to Recover
Access a platform to report cybercrime and seek assistance in combating fraudulent activities.

How to Recover from Scams

How to Recover
“No More Ransom” is an initiative by the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Netherlands’ police, Europol’s European...
Find comprehensive resources to guide you through addressing scams and reporting fraudulent activities.

Identity Theft Support

Identity Theft
Receive support and guidance in responding to incidents of identity theft and reclaiming your identity.
Identity Theft
Create a personalized recovery plan to navigate the aftermath of identity theft with support from experts.

Financial and Legal Support

Cybercrime Reporting
Report cybercrimes to the FBI and contribute to efforts in combating online fraud.
Cybercrime Reporting
Receive assistance in recovering and prosecuting cybercrimes, especially those involving international currency movement...

Social and Emotional Support

Practical Guidance
Find guidance on seeking help and selecting the right support channels after falling victim to scams.
Victim Support
Access free resources, including videos, to aid in your emotional recovery from scam experiences.
Victim Support
Get confidential referrals and support services tailored to victims of various crimes.
Victim Support
Access tools and references to advocate for yourself and others affected by romance scams and online fraud.

Knowledge is your greatest defense against cyber threats.

Using the tools and resources outlined on this page, you’re taking proactive steps to safeguard yourself and others from online scams and fraud. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and don’t hesitate to seek support when needed. Together, we can create a safer digital environment for everyone.

Share Your Story

Have you or someone you know been scammed? You’re not alone.

Share your experience freely and anonymously by writing, sending an audio message, or uploading a video.

Man wearing glasses, dressed in a polo shirt and a shirt, holding his cell phone in his hand