Two young people looking at one of their smartphones

Scams suck and they happen all the time

But you can learn how to spot them and stay safe. CyberFlex is where you can explore and share cybersecurity tips and tricks.

Stay protected. Stay alert. Stay CyberFlexed.

Stay alert

Stay informed and ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Young stylish woman looking at smartphone and smiling

Your Cybersecurity Toolkit

Follow these three interactive guides to help you take control of your online safety. With each guide, you’ll learn to recognize shady stuff, step up to help stop sketchy activity, and spread the word so your friends and family can learn to avoid scams too. Let’s go!

Gut Check

Outsmart scammers and level up your online safety.

Then you’ve taken a big step to stop cyber scams

Security Check

Learn the scammer’s playbook and secure your digital identity.

Rebound & Revive

Reclaim your online footing and recover from cyber scams like a pro.

Goldfish swimming toward fish hook

Your Flex

Ready to defend your digital defense game? Showcase your knowledge here and see if you are fully prepared to identify, protect, and recover from any cyber scam.